Občina Ptuj: Vinska delavnica v Hiši Stare trte / Workshop on wine & culture

Naziv lokacije: Stara trta / World's Oldest Vine
Naslov: Vojašniška 8, 2000 Maribor
Pričetek: 04.03.2017 16:00 do 17:00
Kategorija: Prireditve
Kontakt: Stara trta / World's Oldest Vine
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Delavnice na temo vina in vinske kulture vsako prvo soboto v mesecu v Hiši Stare trte! Želite poglobljeno spoznati značilnosti vinogradniških leg v okolici Maribora in suvereno opisati značilnosti vina? Odlična priložnost za to je enourna delavnica vinske kulture in poznavanja vina v angleškem jeziku, ki jo organiziramo v Hiši Stare trte. Ob pomoči izkušenih sommelierjev lahko spoznate značilnosti lokalnih vin, zakonitosti alkoholne fermentacije, izjemen okus posebnih trgatev ter skrivnosti kombiniranja hrane in vina. Cena je 15 EUR na osebo in zajema vsaj 5 različnih vin ter prigrizek. / Workshops about the wine and the wine culture every first Saturday of the month at the Old Vine House! Would you like an in-depth exploration into a Maribor area vineyard’s atmosphere and learn how to speak the language of the wine’s characteristics like an expert? A one-hour workshop on wine culture and knowledge, organized and held at the Old Vine House in English, is an excellent opportunity to do just that. With the help of experienced sommeliers, you can learn all about the distinct traits of local wines, the features of alcoholic fermentation, the exceptional tastes of special vintages and the secrets of combining food and wine. The price per person is 15 EUR and this includes at least 5 different wines and a snack.

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